Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The writing on the wall

I am a lover and a collector of quotations.  My studio wall is covered with pithy nuggets of Truth that I've run across.  It occurred to me that maybe some of them will resonate with some of you out there.

This is the only loom-woven bead weaving I've done. It's not a quotation exactly but a reminder to my impatient self.  I rather like how the word "clarity" is partly obscured by clouds.  Clarity is elusive.

Front and center on the pegboard in front of my worktable is this set of reminders, thanks to Rebecca Mezoff and her incredibly useful lecture on ergonomics for fiber artists.  Most days I do set a timer to remind me to stop weaving and stretch every 30 minutes.  I also try to remember these tips, good for all of us whose practice involves lots of repetitive motion.

I think "Relax--loosen grip" applies to life in general, don't you?

As a recovering perfectionist, I find these reminders useful.  

And these spiritual insights also remind me that any creative powers I may have don't originate in me; they merely come through me.  Tapestry weavers know what a journey of one inch is.

And finally, this one reminds me that sometimes it's okay, even necessary, to say No to some requests for my time.

What sayings and quotations are on your studio wall?


  1. It's not pinned to my studio wall yet, but I love this quote which I spotted just this morning on a sign in a restaurant:
    "Be a Fruitloop in a world filled with Cheerios."
