Wednesday, May 2, 2018

A new studio, a new color palette

Finally, most of the boxes in our new home in Santa Fe are unpacked.  We're at the fun stage now of unwrapping artwork (what survived the Great Purge) and deciding where to hang it.  My studio is organized and Mira, my Leclerc counterbalance loom, has been re-assembled.  Welcome back, Mira!

I have worked here for a few days now and I can tell you, it is nice to be out of the basement!  Another thing I love about this space is the airflow--there are four sets of windows and a screen door.  I'm wondering how I can translate into tapestry the feeling the of high desert air flowing through the room.  Open warps??

I'm beginning to wonder, "What will I weave here?"  To be honest, other than my ongoing tapestry diary, I have no idea yet.  But I am starting to take note of the color palette of this part of New Mexico.  Here's what I've noticed on morning walks so far.

The palette here is subtle.  Lots of neutrals with the occasional small pop of contrast.  It's not true that there's "no green," as some say. . . it's just that the green here is subdued, the green of sage and pinon and juniper rather than the singing yellow-green of spring in the eastern South.

Meanwhile the sky is ever-changing, and ever-fascinating. 

 Look at that cloud pattern!  (and no, I wasn't at the wheel when I shot this.)

Stay tuned. 


  1. Congrats on completing your move and embracing your surroundings. Can't wait to see your weaving reflect your new home.

  2. Congrats on completing your move and embracing your surroundings. Can't wait to see your weaving reflect your new home.

  3. I'm sure you will find lots of inspiration in the glorious and subtle colors of the desert. I like how you are using your camera as you find your way.

  4. Just returned home after 12 days in Southern California, which has terrain and a climate very much like New Mexico's. So I'm late commenting, but just had to say how much I enjoyed your photos of one of my most favorite places. Your new studio is fabulous! And the colors of the desert and that amazing cloud pattern...!!! With inspirations like these you'll have more than enough ideas to work from. You go, girl!!!

    1. Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement, Lynn. I look forward to reading about your own trip west and what it inspires too!
