Tuesday, October 20, 2020

"Talks too much"

 It's a bit of embarrassing family lore that a teacher wrote "Molly talks too much" on my report card once.  Even worse, it was my kindergarten teacher!  I've definitely been feeling that way lately, as I've given a spate of Zoom talks and lectures.  It has been a lot of fun, actually, despite a few terrifying technical glitches here and there, and I'm so grateful to have the chance to connect with my tapestry tribe this way.  I miss you guys!

But I've neglected my studio work and this blog. So this will be short and sweet. . . just a few pics of the latest experiment cut off the loom, and a list of the links where you can catch a couple recordings of the public talks I've done. 

Untitled watercolor sketch and warp painted with blue splotches

In progress. . . weaving from the side and playing around with open weave

Finished piece, mounted on painted canvas, 11" x 14" 

Here are the links to the talks with a broad audience.  Others were to local guilds and are not being shared.

Damascus Fiber Arts School “Little Weavings, Big Impact”. http://www.vimeo.com/454588010
HGA Thread Talk “Designing the Big One” https://www.youtube.com/user/hgaweavespindye 
HGA is still uploading recordings to this YouTube channel so keep checking back.  Meanwhile, you can catch this 15-minute thread talk on Facebook.  I am the second of three speakers in this segment. https://www.facebook.com/HandweaversGuildofAmerica/videos/?ref=page_internal

And yes, I am in the process of making more of my classes and workshops available via Zoom to guilds and conference.  Contact me for more info.  


  1. Molly, you reminded me of my first grade report card. I was proudly showing my brother the check mark in the box beside "Makes good use of time," when he showed me the words above that column of boxes: "Needs improvement." And it still does .... I'm intrigued by your painted warp peeking through the open areas!

  2. My grade school regular report card complaint was that I did not pay attention. I always had a book on my lap and considered that what I was doing was way more interesting. Not knowing what to do with me, as I was not blatantly disobedient, the teachers put me in the hall, much to my delight. Not with my book but with my imagination. I love your experiments. Keep talking!
