I am having more dang fun with this paper weaving! You know how sometimes when you sit down to weave, you get a little ways in and then your brain starts pinging with "what ifs"? That's what's happening with the paper weaving. I've got scads of little notes-to-self about ideas for projects. It's early days, and everything is still up for grabs, so I'm not going to say much more, just share some pics of a few favorite samples so far. If you have a favorite, let me know in the comments!
Papers are mostly 140lb/300gsm watercolor paper. Inkjet photos are printed on various photo papers.
watercolor, blue grama grass, linen thread
watercolor |
watercolor, spray paint, charcoal
watercolor, inkjet
watercolor, inkjet
found print, watercolor, inkjet
inkjet, spray paint
If you're interested in giving this a try, I recommend hunting up Tommye Scanlin's article last year for Handwoven, "Paper Weaving--Intriguing and Inspiring!" Also take a look at what others are doing on Instagram, #paperweaving. If you have a copy of the classic Marguerite Porter Davison book, A Handweaver's Pattern Book or Anne Dixon's Handweaver's Pattern Directory, you'll find enough twill patterns to keep you going for a long time.