Tuesday, June 14, 2016

a mourning sampler

Exactly twenty years ago, while studying art in grad school, I made this piece, based on some research on  American schoolgirl embroidered samplers.  There had recently been a spate of school shootings.  At the time I was also concerned about my young son's fascination with the Power Rangers and about violence in American culture generally.

The text, taken from a historic Colonial-era sampler, reads: 

Margaret Palfrey is my name
New England is my nation
Boston is my dwelling place 
and Christ is my salvation

When I am dead and all my bones are rotten
If this you see 
Remember me
And never let me be forgotten.  

It grieves me that this sampler is as timely now as it was when I made it.  Let us neither forget nor become numb to the senseless violence.  


kathy loomis said...

what a fine piece; I share all your feelings. I'm working in flags too these days -- what has become of our country???

Molly Elkind said...

What, indeed? Thanks for your comments, Kathy. I look forward to seeing your flag pieces as they develop.