Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Experiments in paper weaving

I am having more dang fun with this paper weaving!  You know how sometimes when you sit down to weave, you get a little ways in and then your brain starts pinging with "what ifs"?  That's what's happening with the paper weaving. I've got scads of little notes-to-self about ideas for projects.  It's early days, and everything is still up for grabs, so I'm not going to say much more, just share some pics of a few favorite samples so far.  If you have a favorite, let me know in the comments!

Papers are mostly 140lb/300gsm watercolor paper.  Inkjet photos are printed on various photo papers.

watercolor, blue grama grass, linen thread


watercolor, spray paint, charcoal

watercolor, inkjet

watercolor, inkjet

found print, watercolor, inkjet

inkjet, spray paint

If you're interested in giving this a try, I recommend hunting up Tommye Scanlin's article last year for Handwoven, "Paper Weaving--Intriguing and Inspiring!"  Also take a look at what others are doing on Instagram, #paperweaving.  If you have a copy of the classic Marguerite Porter Davison book, A Handweaver's Pattern Book or Anne Dixon's Handweaver's Pattern Directory, you'll find enough twill patterns to keep you going for a long time. 


Anonymous said...

#4 (1st watercolor, inkjet) and #7 (inkjet, spraypaint)

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

All of these. Each time you’ve added a dimension to your artwork it’s been a pleasure to witness. These as a. Group just take on so many dimensions. Can’t look away!!

Anonymous said...

I think you just blew my mind- what a great way to start the day! As I look closer, maybe the first one and the last one are my favorites- they seem very “Molly” to me. I like the first for its organicity and the last because of the way it breaks the grid. Thanks for the resources and I look forward to seeing what comes next!

Anonymous said...

They’re all nice, but I love the top one and the bottom one the best. Looking forward to seeing how you develop this.

Kennita Tully said...

Very cool, Molly! What size are these? I vote for 4 and 7 but there are aspects of others that really are exciting!

Anonymous said...

My favorites are #1, 2, 4 and 5. So much fun. Looking forward to seeing more.

Anonymous said...

These are roughly 9” x 12”. Scaling up soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all who have left kind comments and voted for favorites! You all are helpful beyond words! —Molly